Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Politics of Migration & Side effects of skewed growth - Lessons from Mumbai

Over the last week the national media has given significant coverage to events in Mumbai. To a large extent, these events are undesirable espcially for a country crusing along the growth expressway. National media has criticised Raj Thakre, Maharashtra government, and Mumbai police for their actions and inactions. Raj and his party workers and deservedly so, have been criticised for their acts of violence against North Indians in Mumbai. However, such a huge media coverage has transformed Raj into a leader of marginalised and small regional party into a national figure. Thats suits Raj and his party for the upcoming elections municipality elections in Mumabai. Arrest of Raj Thakre is treating the symptom and not the root cause. I don't justify the attacks on North Indians in Mumbai. However, there is a problem of migrants in Mumbai.

For political gains and to marginalise Shiv Sena, Congress has systematically made attempts to change the demographics in Mumbai by encouraging North Indian settlements in Mumbai and transforming them into their vote banks. This has been done by illegally grabbing and encroaching government land. Not only incessant deluge of migrants in Mumbai strains existing insufficient infrastructure but also creates hurdle in improving the infrastructure. And no wonder the Mumabaikar at all levels feels marginalised. The poor middle class feels marginalised because he is loosing jobs to migrants and the middle class Mumbaikar is concerned because the city is simply decaying under the load of migrants in Mumbai.

What we need is inclusive growth. Growth of one class at the cost of others will always create social tensions especially in a society such as ours which is so divided by class, creed, caste, region, language, religion, etc, etc... Nandigram, Kalingar Nagar, and now Mumbai like situations cannot be avoided unless the basic issues are undressed.

In the last few days, I have heard ridiculous, frivolous, superficial discussions and debates on TV channels mostly by thinkers and analysts operating from their ivory towers. While there were references to constitution, right to work and move freely in the coutrny, there were hardly any discussions about issues arising out of migrant population, lack of growth in backward areas of the country, which causes migrations and solutions to these issues. There are lessons to be learned from Mumbai. We just can't leave events in Mumbai to Raj and his arrest.

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